Family Meeting #4 – The Outsider

August 25, 2024   /   Vantage Point Church

Family Meeting

#4 – The Outsider

When Jesus calls people to Himself, He calls them to be part of the too!

Hospitality is making feel like  

Every time Jesus shared a meal, He was painting a picture of the feast to come.

The Kingdom of God consists of people who have been shown the best by the Greatest – Jesus!

Seeking to show kingdom hospitality will every aspect of me! 


Practicing hospitality isn’t just about blessing others; it’s a means by which I look more like the Kingdom and mature in my spiritual growth.

Steps I can take to start being hospitable:

  1. Simplify to make opportunity  
  2. Look for the outsiders –
  3. Make every place a place you seek to bring the outsider inside

Practical actions for the church:

  1. Invite People to Church – 
  2. Show up to church on time
  3. Make room
  4. Don’t just talk to those you are comfortable talking to

5. Expect God to use you to make outsiders insiders 

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