Overall Theme:
Be aware of the unseen battle raging around you, resist the devil, stand firm in the faith.
Build Up Your Gates
Horse Gate (Spiritual Warfare)
The Armor of God: Ephesians 6:10-18
- Belt of truth
Defense: Rely on God’s over the competing of the world
- Breastplate of righteousness
Defense: God’s righteousness, not
- Fitted feet
Defense: Eager to the Good News of peace
- Shield of faith
Defense: Be of the body of believers, not have faith in
- Helmet of salvation
Defense: Be in the assurance of your salvation, against false doctrine
- Sword of the Spirit
Offense: Speaks of the and of the Word of God, learn and memorize it
- Prayer
Offense: Align your with God’s and draw spiritual from Him
Sermon Talks
- What caught your attention in this week’s message? Was there something you had never heard before or something you had a question about?
- Before becoming a Christian, who are you at war with? After becoming a Christian, who are you at war with?
- Read 2 Corinthians 10:3-5. Why is it important to know we are at war? What do these verses say about the weapons we are to use? What does it mean to take captive every thought?
- Recall a time when you allowed Satan to gain a foothold in your life.
- Read and discuss 2 Corinthians 2:10-11 and Ephesians 4:24-27.
- Read 1 Peter 5:8-11. What do these verses say about our enemy? How should we face him? What is the promise God gives us?
- Paul commanded us to put on the full armor of God to protect us in the spiritual battle. Read Isaiah 59:17, Romans 13:12, and 1 Thessalonians 5:8. What do these passages teach us about the full armor of God as we follow Jesus?
- How are the Bible and prayer effective weapons in spiritual warfare?
- Read Ephesians 6:10-18. What parts of the Armor of God are you utilizing? In what areas are you lacking?
- Are you in a spiritual battle right now? In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, invite the Lord and His army angels to fight the battle on your behalf. Pray for victory.
Pray about it: Meditate on God’s Word (Nehemiah 3:28, Ephesians 6:10-18) and this week’s message.
Adoration: What can I praise God for in light of what this teaches me?
Confession: What sin can I confess because of what this teaches me?
Thanksgiving: What can I thank God for in light of what he has done?
Supplication: What do I need to ask of God in order to grow in light of this?