Meeting God In Missions: Dominican Republic

February 11, 2024   /   Pastor Brian Greenleaf   /   Washington Alliance Church

Meeting God In Missions: Dominican Republic


Sermon Talks:

  1. What caught your attention in this week’s sermon? Was there something you had never heard before or something you had a question about?
  2. Was there anything in this week’s sermon or referenced scriptures that challenged the way you worship through intentional praise, prayer, and pursuit of unbelievers? Explain. 
  3. How might this week’s sermon or referenced scriptures impact the way you serve, whether in our church, in your community, or in our world? Explain 
  4. As we seek to connect, first and foremost with God and secondly with our community here at Washington Alliance, does this week’s sermon or referenced scriptures spark any new ideas about the importance of connecting and how to go about it? Explain. 
  5. Was there anything from this week’s sermon or referenced scriptures that you would like to take action on in your own life this week, or was there something that you would like to pursue through prayer?


Pray about it: Meditate on God’s Word (Luke 12:13-21) and this week’s message

Adoration: What can I praise God for in light of what this teaches me?

Confession: What sin can I confess because of what this teaches me?

Thanksgiving: What can I thank God for in light of what He has done?

Supplication: What do I need to ask God in order to grow in light of this?

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