The Election Through a Biblical Worldview

October 27, 2024   /   Pastor Brian Greenleaf   /   Washington Alliance Church

What does God require of us in this election?

  1. To
  2. To vote based on not

Policies to consider:

  1. Border Security
  2. Free Exercise of Religion
  3. Biological Sex
  4. Family and Parental Rights
  5. Sanctity of Human Life

Sermon Talks

  1. What caught your attention in this week’s message? Was there something you had never heard before or something you had a question about?
  2. Review and discuss the Venn diagram. How is the health of the God created institution dependent upon the previous one?
  3. Discuss why is it important for Christians to vote. Why is it a right and a duty? How are we to be salt and light?
  4. Why is it important for Christians to vote policies over personalities?
  5. Review and discuss the Biblical references to how God used righteous leaders who did unrighteous things and how He used unrighteous leaders who did righteous things.
    • Uzziah (2 Chronicles 26), Sampson (Judges 16), David (2 Samuel 11)
    • Kings Cyrus (Ezra, Nehemiah), Nebuchadnezzar (Daniel 4), Jehu (2 Kings 9, 10)
  6. Review and discuss the five policies that Pastor Brian outlined in the message.
    • Border Security: Psalm 122:7, Acts 17:26, Zechariah 7:10
    • Free Exercise of Religion: Exodus 20:3, Acts 5:29
    • Biological Sex: Genesis 1:27
    • Family and Parental Rights: Psalm 127:3, Proverbs 22:6
    • Sanctity of Human Life: Psalm 139:13, Proverbs 6:17, Acts 3:15
  7. How do you respond to Booker T. Washington’s quote, “A lie doesn’t become truth, wrong doesn’t become right, and evil doesn’t become good, just because it’s accepted by a majority.”

Pray about it: Meditate on God’s Word this week’s message.

Adoration: What can I praise God for in light of what I learned today?

Confession: What sin can I confess because of what I was challenged with today?

Thanksgiving: What can I thank God for in light of was said today?

Supplication: What do I need to ask of God in order to grow in Him in this area?

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