Matthew 13:24-52
The Kingdom of Heaven: It is both and
- Like good seed in the field (24-30, 36-43)
- Like a mustard seed (31-32)
- Like yeast (33)
- Like a treasure hidden in a field (44)
- Like a merchant looking for fine pearls (45-46)
- Like a net cast into the lake (47-50)
Sermon Talks
1. What caught your attention in this week’s message? Was there something you had never heard before or something you had a question about?
2. How is the Kingdom of Heaven both physical and spiritual?
3. What are parables and why did Jesus use them?
4. Reread Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43.
- What have you learned from this parable and Jesus’ explanation?
- What is the warning for those who have put their faith in Jesus?
5. How is the Kingdom of Heaven like a mustard seed? (31-32)
- What causes God’s kingdom to grow?
- What is the warning for the church?
6. What are the positive and negative implications we see regarding the Kingdom of Heaven being like yeast?
7. The parables of the Hidden Treasure (vs 44) and Fine Pearls (vs 45-46) remind us of how valuable we are to God.
- What does that say about the depth of God’s love for us?
8. In what way does the last parable, the Parable of the Net, speak of the Lord’s judgment as it relates to the end times?
9. How does a better understanding of these parables change the way you live, the way you pray for and minister to those who don’t know the Lord?
Pray about it: Meditate on God’s Word (Matthew 13:24-52) and this week’s message.
Adoration: What can I praise God for in light of what this teaches me?
Confession: What sin can I confess because of what this teaches me?
Thanksgiving: What can I thank God for in light of what he has done?
Supplication: What do I need to ask of God in order to grow in light of this?