Ezra 1: God has a plan for our lives and His church
Ezra 2: The work of God will be done by the people of God when they respond to the
move of God in their hearts (Go, Give, Get involved)
Ezra 3: Keep Jesus the priority, through Him we have a connection with God
Overall Theme
Opposition come, expect
When People Oppose You
- Pray : bring God into the battle with you – 2 Kings 6:8-17, Ephesians 6:18
- Pray for the who opposes or mistreats you – Matthew 5:43-44
- God is you: honor Him with your thoughts and actions – Romans 8:31-39
- Do not : you can have the conversation but do not take revenge Matthew 5:38-39, 1 Peter 3:9
- Look for the : God can bring unexpected good from a difficult situation Genesis 50:20
- Don’t try and the score: get out of God’s way – Proverbs 25:21-22, Psalm 140:10
Sermon Talks
- What caught your attention in this week’s message? Was there something you had never heard before or something you had a question about?
- In Ezra chapters 4-6, to what length were the enemies of the Jews (the Assyrians) willing to go to stop the building of the temple? How did the Jews respond? What was the deciding factor?
- After reviewing the decree from King Cyrus, what did King Darius command of the Assyrians? What punishment awaited them if they refused?
- What are some examples where you or your family have been opposed or mistreated by someone? How did you handle it? Is there anything you could have done differently?
- To your knowledge, what are some examples of where Washington Alliance has received opposition?
- Do you regularly bring God into your decision making? If so, how has it affected the situation?
- Go back and review the six principles to facing opposition. Commit to regularly praying that God would grow and mature you in these areas.
Pray about it: Meditate on God’s Word (Ezra 4-6) and this week’s message.
Adoration: What can I praise God for in light of what this teaches me?
Confession: What sin can I confess because of what this teaches me?
Thanksgiving: What can I thank God for in light of what he has done?
Supplication: What do I need to ask of God in order to grow in light of this?